NOVA Voice Over Talent Management
Featured Actor

Vargus Mason

Voice Over Category: The Men  

Actor Information

Name:  Vargus Mason - real person, character, good comedic timing, high energy.
Union Memberships:  SAG, AFTRA
Reading Age:  8-80
City:  Los Angeles
State:  California

Resume & Biography:  

The media dubbed Vargus “THE HUMAN CARTOON” at the 2002 San Francisco Comedy Competition. Using highly physical movement and an arsenal of animated voices, Vargus took 2nd place defeating 340 competitors world wide. Other national comedy titles include semifinalist at the 2006 Boston International Comedy Festival and HBO’s Young Young Comedian Spotlight; where performing for the first time at only 15, Vargus became the Rocky Mountain Regional Champion.

Now a seasoned professional comic, Vargus was ranked in the top 10 comedians of all MySpace. NBC’s Last Comic Standing, selected him as one of the world’s elite 40 comedians to compete in the semifinals of year 4. Other television credits include Russell Simmons Def Comedy Jam, Comedy Central’s Live at Gotham, Comics Unleashed & Entertainers with Byron Allen, BET’s Comic-View and VH1’s Super Secret Movie Rules. Most recently Vargus was Comedy Central’s online red carpet host for the Celebrity Roast of Flavor Flav.

More importantly, Vargus takes a great deal of pride performing abroad for the military. His talents have taken him literally around the globe to 16 different countries as an entertainer for the U.S. Troops.

Audio Samples

Commercial Demo

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Nova Voice Over Talent Management