NOVA Voice Over Talent Management
Featured Actor

Todd Prepsky

Voice Over Category: The Men  

Actor Information

Name:  Todd Prepsky - Real person. Warm and conversational. Understated announcer without sounding "announcery". Naturally quirky. Sardonic wit. Character announcer.
Union Memberships:  Non Union
Reading Age:  25-50
City:  Northridge
State:  California

Resume & Biography:  

Todd Prepsky was the voice of Yoshinoya restaurants in Los Angeles, Bakersfield, and Los Angeles.  Able to perform within the 25-50 age range, he specializes in “regular guy” voices but also has the ability to do a variety of character voices.  Todd has a flair for the sardonic and sarcastic, but he can also be warm and conversational.

Audio Samples

Commercial Demo

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Nova Voice Over Talent Management